Journeys Experience

My Experience

I was honored to be apart of the Journeys Ghana 2020 team. Although our trip was postponed due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, that hasn’t prevented me from retaining and utilizing the awareness I gained during this experience. The information that I obtained during the course has enabled me to be a more politically conscious Scottie and better a global citizen. the Journeys program enables students to realize the extent of the interconnectedness of the globe and how this interconnected looks for varying countries. This change in mindset and acquired knowledge is useful for everyday life and for travel. Although a good majority of us haven’t been able to travel yet due to the current state of the world, that doesn’t mean that we can’t still utilize these tools to be a good global citizen.

Global Citizens:

Becoming a global citizen isn’t a finite process. We must continuously be engaged and involved in our Global community. A global citizen is a person whose identity transcends borders, nations, and political affiliations. A global citizen subscribes to the roles and responsibilities of humanity as a collective. A global citizen doesn’t simply focus on their home country, but rather they focus on the wider world and their place in it. They take an active role in their community, and how their roles influence the collective as a whole. Global citizenship encourages individuals to think deeply about the effect they are having on the planet and what ways they can improve their actions for the collective.

Everyday Use:

We are living in a diverse interconnected world. No longer do we have to travel across the world to encounter a new culture. Due to globalization and mass migrations, we have a wide exposure to various cultures in our home countries. This global interconnectedness is yet another reason why global learning is imperative. We must not think of global learning as a tool to use when traveling to other countries, but as a useful skill to become more aware of the constant cultural exchanges that we encounter on an everyday basis. The process of becoming a better citizen starts at home. Global learning manifests on an everyday basis, by task such as educating ourselves on various cultures, Make greener choices, becoming more involved in our community, Volunteering, Learning a new language, etc. So before you pick up your passport to travel across the country to become more worldly, first think of the work that needs to be done in your community.


Ghana Journeys Trip
